Thursday, February 27, 2020

Family sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Family sociology - Essay Example Sociological theories and concepts help in providing a concrete base for this understanding of the role of family life in society. Moreover, analyzing different aspects of family life using different perspectives of sociological themes and concepts help in better understanding of the concept of family ideology and its structural changes in the current society. Even though contemporary society has seen many social changes in the aspect of family ideologies and its contributions to the society, it still occupies a central role in the lives of individuals. Thus, studying the role of family from the sociological perspective can provide an insight about how a family functions within a society, and helps influencing the lives of the individuals in promoting socialization, economic contribution and cooperation. According to Anthony Giddins (2006), family is defined as a group of persons who are linked directly through blood relationships or marriage, with the adult members assuming responsibility for children and family care. By this definition, family is regarded as a social institution and also the central unit of socialization, which shares values and commitments towards one another. Of all the social institutions, marriage plays a fundamental and vital role in creating a society. Marriage is bound to have preceded society; and made it possible by binding together. It is considered to be the basis of social order and improvement, along with providing the chief support of law, morality, and religion. (Booth, Crouter and Landale 2002, p.48). The extended family was a most common family structure; however, it started to decline because of many social and economic factors. Typically, in the 1940s and 1950s, a traditional family structure comprised of a man and woman along with their one or more offspring, and was widespread in the society as an

Monday, February 10, 2020

Team evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team evaluation - Essay Example Pamela as the organizer also evaluated the working style of each team member for quality performance and high productivity. Team Evaluation There also existed team co-editors, Isabella Hyde and Barbara Holland. Their responsibility was evaluating team work for arising problems or practical errors thus ensuring quality final product. Through the same evaluation they also ensured that structure of the team was in line with the team’s vision. Marion Johnson was selected as the team presenter and her duty was to summarize the vital information for every assignment and establishing the final product. The expectation for the role of the team presenter was to coordinate all team efforts while combining information and relating it to team vision. As a team B member, I really learnt a lot, the most important experience I got from the group was how to work in a team. I learnt how important it is to listen to other people’s views and respect them. The team leaders were very talented people and they helped me realize my abilities as a professional nurse and since them I developed a high level of confidence in my services. However, I faced a few challenges while in the team; at first it was hard for me to work with strangers and I was feeling out of place. Another challenge was how to handle my impatience when it comes to team work, however by the end of it all I was a different person, very patient. Team B was such a good team to work with, however in there are better strategies which if they were put in place the team would have emerged as excellent. One of these strategies is ensuring a well established communication network in which a team member knows where to enquire/report what. Another strategy is ensuring professionalism in nursing practices and learning how to handle patients in a clinical scenario as suggested by Cohen and Cesta (2005). The team processes in this course gave me good lessons for a future health care